This website is a free service of the Independence Institute’s Education Policy Center. As a free market think tank, we are committed to enhancing educational choices not only for students and parents, but also for teachers.
Since 2004, we have provided informational messages to teachers across Colorado. Through our research and our contacts, we have learned that many Colorado public school employees simply are not aware of the range of membership and other options available to them. We decided to create a permanent website that provides the most complete information on all the different options so teachers and other educators can shop around and make well-informed decisions.
Some Colorado teachers have written to thank us for the informational service we provide. Here’s a sample of their responses:
“Thank you for shedding light onto issues that are important to us and not keeping us ignorant about the choices that we have.”
– High School Computer Teacher
“Thank you so much for this service and keep up the good work!”
– High School Social Studies Teacher
“I appreciate your information! I will take advantage of it.”
– Elementary Teacher, Larimer County
“Thank you for the information on the Every Member ‘Option’ regarding political contributions. I wish I’d have known this 20 years ago!”
– High School Foreign Language Teacher
“Thanks so much for this information. Most teachers don’t even know what is happening with their monies.”
– Elementary Teacher, Jefferson County
“Thank you for your work!!! Excellent Information!!!”
– High School Teacher, El Paso County
“I have always felt I needed to belong to the union, and I do not approve of funds being used to support candidates I do not support. Thanks for showing options!”
– High School Music Teacher
“Thank you for this information. I truly appreciate the benefits of being a union member, but I do disagree with the political opinions of this union.”
– Elementary Teacher, Adams County
“Thank you for informing us of this, in my opinion, slanted use of union dues. Never was I asked, as a Union member, which candidate I supported.”
– High School Teacher, Jefferson County
“Thank you for this information for refunds. Your service is valuable.”
– Music Teacher
“Thanks for the info. I never knew that refunds were available for this. I guess they forgot to mention it.”
– Middle School Teacher
“Thank you for your informative recent mailing to teachers. Your information needs to be out here.”
– Teacher, Denver Public Schools
“As an independent thinker, I applaud the work your organization is doing.”
– Teacher, Aurora Public Schools
If you find any inaccuracies or notice anything we’re missing, or have any comments or questions about the material on this site, please send us and email, so we can provide the most complete and accurate information possible.