Colorado Education Association

The Colorado Education Association (CEA) raises political funds through a structure known as Every Member Option (EMO). A certain amount ($49 in 2024-2025) is deducted from the paycheck of every full-time member teacher (part-time member teachers and support personnel pay a lesser amount). The EMO exclusively finances political activities, including candidates and ballot initiatives. CEA members who wish to receive an EMO refund must submit their requests in writing by December 15 to:

Every Member Option Refund
Colorado Education Association
1500 Grant Street
Denver, CO 80203

The letter should include the CEA member’s name, last four digits of your Social Security Number, email address, and local association.

CEA no longer has a public link to an electronic EMO opt-out form. You may find an electronic form in the members only section of the CEA website.

Local CEA Affiliates’ Every Member Option

Some local CEA affiliates also have their own separate refundable EMO. You must file a separate refund request to your local association.

There may be more, but the local associations with EMOs that we know about are listed below. Check with your association for the EMO amount and the deadline to request a refund. Most are December 15, but some are as early as September.

Adams 12
Boulder Valley
Colorado Springs 11
Jefferson County
Mesa Valley
Pikes Peak
Pueblo City
Pueblo 70
St. Vrain 

AFT members, find information here.

More information on Every Member Option is available in the Independence Institute publication: Should Colorado School Districts Stop Collecting Political Funds?

American Federation of Teachers Colorado

AFT Colorado members contribute to the organization’s small donor committee to support political candidates and issues. To receive a refund, send a letter to:

AFT Colorado
925 S. Niagara St., Suite 600
Denver, CO 80224


This information made available as a service of the Independence Institute’s Education Policy Center. If we have posted any inaccurate, incomplete, or outdated information, please let us know so we can take care to update our pages.