December 15: Political Refund Deadline for Colorado Education Association Members
The busy Christmas season is upon us. As the winter holiday break rushes closer and closer, members of the Colorado Education Association (CEA) may forget about – if they’re even aware of – the opportunity to receive a refund of the Every Member Option (EMO) political contribution deducted along with their dues.
To get back the $39 EMO from CEA, members can go here to this simple online request form.
You will find sample letters you can download and print from your computer that can be filled out quickly and easily, and dropped in the mail. In some cases, it’s even easier: There’s an email address to which you can send your refund request. Again, you will find this information on the Political Refunds page.
You can click here to compare how CEA and its local affiliates spent member money on political campaigns in 2008 with other membership organizations Colorado teachers are eligible to join.
Click here to submit a question by email concerning any of the information on