Colorado Teachers, Get Up to $65 Back

Teachers who are members of the Colorado Education Association (CEA) are eligible for as much as $65 in annual political refunds through the Every Member Option (EMO) program. The CEA raises political funds through a structure known as EMO. In 2015-16, $41) is deducted from the yearly earnings of every full-time member teacher (part-time member teachers and support personnel pay a lesser amount) to fund the EMO, which exclusively finances local and state political campaigns.

CEA members who wish to receive an EMO refund must submit their requests in writing by DECEMBER 15. Many CEA local associations also have a refundable EMO that must be requested separately. Local EMOs are as much as $24.

To find EMO refund request online forms, contact information, and from letters, please visit the Political Refunds page.

Ask First Better, But Every Member Option Gives Glimmer of Employee Freedom

June 24-28 has been designated the first-ever National Employee Freedom Week. “National Employee Freedom Week is a national effort to inform union employees of the freedom they have regarding opting out of union membership and making the decision about union membership that’s best for them.” The Independence Institute is one of more than 40 organizations across the United States to join in celebrating the occasion. The following post is part of a series highlighting the issue’s impact in Colorado.

When it comes to exercising employee freedom, many Colorado teachers may opt to stay part of the union. But they may not approve of all aspects of what the union does with their money. That’s why the Education Policy Center every year informs educators across the state about the Colorado Education Association’s December 15 deadline to get back the portion of their dues collected to fund local and state political candidates and causes.

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Did You Receive a Postcard About Every Member Option? December 15 Deadline Approaching

Updated for 2014

Did you receive a postcard like this in the mail? Click on the image for all the information and links you will need to request one or more Every Member Option (EMO) political refunds from the Colorado Education Association and its local affiliates:

You can also watch the 1-minute animated video on the EMO that may bring back a bit of nostalgia:

Related stories:
Teachers union offices need to improve information on member political dues (October 2012)
Teachers’ money taken to fund nasty political ads (November 2012)

December 15 Deadline Approaching for Colorado Teachers Union Political Refunds

Update, 12/15: The CEA website was offline for awhile today. If you can’t access the electronic form, please send an email to Linda Lutz ( with a note that you are requesting the $39 Every Member Option refund.

December 15 marks the annual deadline for Colorado Education Association members to request a refund of “Every Member Option” union funds used to support state and local political campaigns. Last year’s attention-getting 45-second video is worth watching to find out the information, or just for the nostalgic refresher:

In addition to the $39 EMO available from CEA — which can be requested electronically or by old-fashioned mail — a number of other districts have additional EMO political refund options with additional opt-out requirements. To learn all the specifics click on any of the following districts that require refunds on or shortly after December 15 (with the amount available):

If you are a Colorado public school teacher, or know one, please feel free to share this post and the video. You could be making a difference and giving someone another reason to give thanks during this special holiday season.

December 15 Deadline for CEA Member Political Refund Requests: New Animated Video!

Go directly here for more information about Colorado teachers union political refunds.

Here is a two-minute video explanation of CEA’s Every Member Option political refund, from a veteran Jefferson County teacher, produced in 2008:

Go here to see a summary breakdown of how Colorado teachers unions reported spending member dues on political activities during the most recent election.

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